Terms of Attendance

1. These terms of attendance are an agreement between the parents/guardians of the child and Seymour House Ltd. The parents/guardians signing an agreement to these terms are responsible for payment of the account in full.

2. Seymour House adheres to a number of external standards and have a documented quality system which sets out the organisation’s policies, procedures and details of the quality records kept. These details are regularly reviewed and amended where appropriate and parents/guardians accepting these terms of attendance agree to such amendments. An electronic copy of each document is available for parents to request at any time.

3. Patterns of attendance will be reviewed as required and notice will be given if Seymour House chooses to change or withdraw any pattern.

4. Seymour House is committed to meeting the needs of all children in its care however if under the terms of the Admission and Attendance policy we are unable to meet the needs of the child, we reserve the right to review the child’s attendance, and in exceptional circumstances withdraw the place.

5. Children should be dressed suitably with coats and bags, clearly named. The nursery may not be held responsible for damage to clothing, which can occur when children enjoy play activities such as painting, glueing or outdoor activities. Children are encouraged not to bring sweets or toys to the nursery.

6. On occasions, we take photographs of activities to use in displays and publications such as our website and newsletter. Please indicate in writing if you do not give consent.

7. Children frequently become upset if their routine is changed and it is therefore important to collect your child on time. We reserve the right to charge a late collection fee. 

8. Relationships with a Seymour House team member beyond the workplace can undermine our team’s ability to maintain a purely professional relationship and for this reason babysitting for a parent of the nursery is not permitted. Parents agree that for a period of six months after their child leaves nursery they will not solicit or employ a Seymour House team member.

9. These terms are reviewed regularly and may be updated. An up-to-date version is available upon request.

10. In compliance with current UK data protection legislation, any data provided/collected by Seymour House regarding a child/adult/family will be kept secure and treated confidentially. The data collected will only be used by Seymour House Ltd and will not be disclosed to any external sources without prior consent unless required by law. Data will be stored confidentially in a password protected information management database or in a locked cabinet.

11. Partnership with parents is a vital component of quality childcare. If it is established that there has been an irretrievable breakdown in mutual trust and confidence Seymour House reserve the right to withdraw the place.

12. Any breach of these terms will be treated seriously and Seymour House reserves the right to withdraw the place with immediate effect. Seymour House’s decision on all matters is final.


1. Fees remain payable during any period of closure due to reasons of force majeure such as extreme weather, pandemic, loss of heating, lighting, fire, flood or industrial action and non-admittance of a child for any reason. Fees also remain payable during periods of non-attendance, holidays, bank holidays and the period between Christmas and New Year.

2. An administration fee of £25 may be charged if an account is overdue for any reason and interest may be charged at a rate of 5% above the Bank of England base rate.

3. Parents (apart from those accessing disadvantaged 2 year old funding), may split their funded entitlement with another provider (max. one other), but in this case the extra unfunded hours at Seymour House will be chargeable.

4. In the event of an overpayment, Seymour House will issue parents with an electronic refund form.  If this form is not returned within a reasonable timescale for current families, or within 2 months of a child’s leaving date, Seymour House reserve the right to retain any overpayment.

NURSERY – Regular Monthly Attendance

1. Fees are charged monthly in advance and are due on or before the first of each month. Settlement of fees should always be made electronically and parents remain responsible for the whole fee until full payment is received.

2. In the event of late payment, parents will be contacted.  A reminder will be sent after the first week of the month, and if payment has still not been received by the end of the second week of the month Seymour House may issue a notice to terminate the place. In the event of repeated late payment Seymour House reserves the right to terminate the childcare place.

3. A deposit equal to one month’s fees will be charged which will be credited to the last month’s fees. The deposit payable for children accessing FEEE is based solely on the charge relating to unfunded hours of childcare, meals, snacks etc. No deposit is charged for the funded hours. No deposit is charged for children whilst accessing disadvantaged 2 year old funding.

4. To secure your nursery place, parents should return the completed registration form, including a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and pay the deposit invoice.

5. One month’s written notice, to expire at the end of a calendar month, is required to alter the pattern of attendance or on leaving the nursery. Changes of attendance are not guaranteed and may only be offered if your preferred new pattern of attendance is available. Families choosing Term Time Only contracts agree to remain on a Term Time Only contract for a full academic year (September-July).

6. School age children that continue to attend nursery at the start of the month the school term begins will be subject to full payment of fees as children registered in a reception class are not eligible for FEEE funding. Places required after the start of the month the school term begins are not guaranteed.7. Parents cannot increase the number of funded hours they wish their child to take after headcount day each term. 

7. Parents cannot increase the number of funded hours they wish their child to take after headcount day each term. 


1. Parents arriving by car must park safely. Vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk. Always close doors and gates leading to the nursery.

2. Parents are reminded that only they, or persons, they have previously authorised may collect their child. Seymour House will not release a child from their care to anybody they consider unsuitable and will contact the parent/carers at such times.

3. Parents should provide photographs of any individual that is authorised to collect their child from nursery as per our safeguarding procedures. For this reason, we politely request that parents do not open the door and allow parents into the setting as access should be controlled only by members of the Nursery team.

4. Children should be fully vaccinated for their own protection and the protection of others who are either too young or unable to be vaccinated. However, this is not a condition of attendance, so parents should be aware that there may be children attending that have not been vaccinated.

5. Parents are responsible for ensuring that the nursery has up to date information about their child’s medical, dietary and developmental needs. The Nursery Manager must be notified if a child contracts an infectious or notifiable disease. Children may not attend the nursery while they are infectious.

6. Seymour House will administer prescribed medicines if the Nursery Manager considers that the team have been given sufficient information and training to do so. A temperature reducing medicine such as Calpol may be given if appropriate as a single dose in an emergency where parents have given prior written consent. The team will assist children with their treatment if they have a long-term medical condition such as asthma or diabetes providing parents provide written instructions in advance.

7. Children’s minor injuries or illnesses and medicines records are recorded in the relevant Log Books. The team are trained to provide basic care and first aid but should a child’s condition require more immediate qualified attention and a parent is not contactable or would take too long to collect their child, the team will seek immediate medical attention and remain with the child until the parent arrives.

8. We use iConnect software to monitor and record children’s progress. iConnect is specialist early years software designed with security and safeguarding regulations in mind. Parents are able to access these observations, photos and videos of their child’s learning experiences on the ParentZone app. As some of these posts include group activities, this content must not be shared on social media platforms.

Revised 7th March 2024.