A No Stress Guide to Choosing a Nursery for your Child

Your first weeks and months with a new baby are an exciting, though perhaps challenging, time. As your baby becomes a toddler life may become even busier with an active child needing your care and attention. So it’s no surprise that during these early years of parenthood, choosing a nursery for your child may be low on your list of priorities.
However, depending on your circumstances, finding a nursery will become a necessity for some parents and for others it should be a serious consideration. Sending your child to a nursery is a great opportunity for them to socialise with other children and adults, preparing them for school.
How do I choose the best nursery for my child?
Choosing a nursery is a big decision. You want to ensure that your child will be happy and cared for, but you, yourself, also need to be happy and comfortable with your choice.
Here is some important advice as you begin the search for a nursery for your little one.
- Set out with a positive mindset by considering the search for the perfect nursery as an adventure.
- Every child is different and every nursery has its own feel. What works for one family, may not be right for another. So choose the nursery that is right for you and your family.
- Allow yourself time, don’t rush into this. Trusting someone else with your child is a huge decision, so you need to be sure that you’ve made the right one.
- Plan well ahead so you have time to do the research, work out your budget, visit the nurseries you want to and get answers to all your questions. This will also allow you time to join a waiting list, which may be necessary for high-demand nurseries where places are limited.
Below we have put together a step-by-step guide to help you through the process of choosing a nursery for your child.

Step 1: What would make the ideal nursery for your child?
Make a list of priorities and preferences
There are many things to consider when choosing a nursery. Some you may not have even thought of. Working your way through the list below will help you get your thoughts in order so you can decide what is an absolute necessity, what is preferred and what would be ‘nice but not essential’.
Nursery philosophy and vision
All nurseries are different with their own set of values. As you begin your search it is important to consider whether the values and ideals of a nursery align with your own when it comes to the care and education of your child.
- What type of nursery do you want for your child? One that is all based on play, or a nursery that is more structured with a strong focus on early years education?
Nursery location
Think about the logistics. Which is easiest, a nursery close to home, somewhere along your commute or near your work? Keep in mind those occasions when you might have to unexpectedly collect your child early.
- How does the nursery location best fit your routine, especially if you have other children in school?
- Consider dropping off and picking up. Is there onsite parking? What are the drop off and pick up procedures?
Hours of operation
If you only need childcare for a few hours once or twice a week, a childminder might be a better option. However, if you work full time and require childcare most days then a nursery is best.
- Most daycare nurseries are open year round from early morning to early evening. You will need to find a nursery that can care for your child for the days and times you need.
A nursery that meets your budget
Cost will be a factor when choosing a nursery, so it is important to start your search early. Leaving it to the last minute can limit your options.
- The fees for a nursery can vary by location. If you commute to work, keep this in mind when deciding whether to find a nursery near home or your workplace.
- If you live in England you may be entitled to government support with up to 30 hours of free childcare for children aged 9 months to 4 years. To check eligibility and the number of hours you could get, visit Childcare Choices.
- When comparing nurseries you need to know what the fees cover. If there will be additional costs for educational materials, meals and resources you need to factor those in.
Use our fee calculator to get an idea on the cost of choosing a Seymour House nursery for your child.
Age appropriate nursery
Many nurseries will take children from as young as 3 months old up to 5 years old. It is important you choose a nursery that has the experience and resources required for your child’s age.
- As your child gets closer to school age, the socialisation and educational aspects of the nursery become even more important in preparing them for primary school. You should consider this aspect even if your child is a baby or toddler, as they will likely be spending the next few years at the nursery.
Nursery routines
Routines can be important in helping young children feel settled.
- Check the routine of a nursery and consider how it aligns with what your child is used to and your routine at home. Think about mealtimes, naps, potty training, playtime and learning time.
Activities and nursery education
You will want to know what types of activities a nursery offers and that they are age appropriate for development and stimulation.
- What can you expect your child to learn during their time at nursery? If education is provided, is there a specific early years curriculum and what is the teaching style?
- It is always nice for children to have access to outdoor play and learning. How are outdoor activities incorporated into your child’s day and what kinds of outdoor facilities does the nursery have?
Learn about the dynamic and exciting 5Cs curriculum that is taught at an age appropriate level to all children that attend a Seymour House nursery.
Toys, equipment and resources
What nursery is complete without a vast array of toys, books and creative spaces?
- When thinking about toys and equipment you need to note that they are age appropriate, safe and clean.
- When it comes to educational materials, check that the nursery uses good teaching resources and equipment that are beneficial to your child’s learning.

Nursery staff
It is extremely important for your child to be comfortable with the nursery team that they will spend their days with. It is just as important that you, as a parent, are happy to leave your child in their care.
- What qualifications, training and experience do the nursery staff have?
- How do they interact with the children? Are they warm, nurturing and compassionate?
- What is the attitude of the staff, are they happy and passionate about caring for and educating children in an early years setting?
- What are the staff ratios for each age group?
At Seymour House, our team is our superpower and by investing in them, we know that they provide the best care and education for our children and support for their families throughout their time with us.
Open Communication
Knowing how your child’s day went is always important for parents, whatever their age, but with children this young it is crucial for the nursery to provide clear communication.
- Find out how the nursery communicates with parents. How will you know what your child does each day?
- How will you know if there are any concerns or issues and what is the procedure if you have any questions?
Safety at nursery
Ensuring your child is safe will be top on your priority list when choosing a nursery.
- Confirm that all health and safety aspects are covered by the nursery and an official safe guarding protocol is in place.
- Make sure that there are trained first aiders within the staff.
- Check the procedures in the event of an emergency.
- See that the nursery is cared for and kept clean and tidy.
Nursery mealtimes
Most nurseries will provide meals while your child is with them which may include breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks.
- Look at sample menus to see what kind of food is provided.
- If your child has a special diet, food allergy or intolerance, make sure that these are catered for. Ensure that appropriate measures are in place if your child has a severe allergy.
Many nurseries outsource their meals to a nursery catering company. Seymour House created our very own Nursery Kitchen who provide us with fresh, tasty and nutritious meals for the children in our care.

Step 2: How do you find ideal nurseries for you child?
Research potential options
Once you’ve made your list of priorities and preferences, the next step in choosing a nursery is to do your research to find those that meet your criteria and look like they might be a good fit.
Online research
Start by listing all the nurseries in your local area, or the area where you prefer your child to go, then head to your computer and check them out wherever you can.
- Go to the nursery websites. These will provide you with a lot of the information you’ll want to know about the nursery.
- View the nursery on social media sites. This is a great way to get more of an insight into day-to-day life at the nursery.
Ofsted Reports
As with schools, nurseries are also inspected by Ofsted. Reading the Ofsted reports to find out how they rate is of benefit when choosing a nursery.
Parent Reviews
Word of mouth is often the best form of marketing. Learning from people who have experienced the nursery themselves will give you a real insight as to what the nursery is like.
- Speak to friends with young children at nursery who live in your local area.
- Join online forums of local parents.
- Read parent testimonials on nursery websites and social media accounts.

Step 3: How can you narrow down your choices?
Visit potential nurseries
By now you’ll have made your list of priorities and preferences and carried out your research so you can short-list the nurseries that seem most suitable. The next step is to schedule a tour. A first-hand look helps you get a feel for the environment, the staff, the curriculum the care and the safety measures. A certain nursery might be right for one family but not another. The only way to find out is to see it for yourself.
Nurseries may have specific open days for prospective new parents, or you can book to go on a tour in your own time. Use your list from Step 1 to form a checklist of things to look out for when you visit and be prepared with a list of questions.
- Take your child with you so they can experience the nursery and you can see how the staff interact with them.
- First impressions matter. Is the nursery warm and welcoming? Are the staff friendly and approachable?
- Take note of the relationship between the staff and the children. Are the children happy and engaged? Is there a good balance of activities: playtime, learning time, meal times and quiet time?

Step 4: How do you make the final decision on which nursery to choose?
Following your nursery visits you will hopefully know which nursery, or nurseries, you would most like your child to go to. Our tips below can help with making your final decision and how to maximise your chances for getting a place at your preferred nursery.
- Trust your instincts, sometimes you just know what feels right.
- Consider the needs and personality of your child when making the decision.
- Choose the nursery where you are confident your child will receive the attention, support, care and education they need to thrive.
- Be flexible. Choosing more than one nursery where you would be happy to send your child will help keep your options open.
- If there are no spaces currently open, or you are applying well ahead of time, get onto several waiting lists to maximise your chances.
- Keep in touch with your favourite nurseries so they know you are still interested and keep them updated of any changes in your circumstances as it could affect your application.
When it comes to choosing a nursery for your child, don’t take chances. If a nursery doesn’t tick all your boxes, then cross it off the list. You need to be comfortable and happy with your decision so when the time comes for your little one to start nursery, you can relax and go about your day, knowing they are in safe hands and having the time of their life.
Seymour House has 12 nurseries across Essex and Hertfordshire. Find a nursery near you and begin your research for the ideal nursery for your child.