Highfield Lane Judged Outstanding in 2024 Ofsted Report

We are so proud to have been judged as outstanding by Ofsted once again at our Highfield Lane nursery, maintaining our exemplary Ofsted record of Outstanding ratings across the Seymour House group of nurseries.
This is an amazing achievement for our team, who are simply the best at what they do. Our team make our nurseries beyond brilliant with out of this world creativity, care, and dedication to delivering the very best for children and their families.
Here are just a few of the highlights from the report:
“Children thrive in this exceptional learning environment. They are excited to arrive and become deeply absorbed in the wonderful learning opportunities staff provide.”
“…children form exceptionally close bonds with staff and flourish in their nurturing care. Babies beam with delight when they wake from naps and see their key person. Older children cuddle up to staff and explore books together in cosy reading dens. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities benefit from highly experienced and knowledgeable one-to-one support.”
“Partnerships with parents are of an exceptionally high standard. Parents are encouraged to play an active role in children’s learning. They visit the nursery to read stories with children and explore their unique customs.”
Read the full report, here.