School & Beyond programme

To a 4-year-old, the idea of starting ‘big school’ can be both exciting and daunting. This is a time when children experience rapid development, and changes in their routine can be unsettling. That’s why Seymour House views this transition as a ‘process’ rather than an ‘event’. With a little thoughtful preparation at home and at nursery, parents and children can feel confident and excited as September approaches!
At Seymour House our wonderful team of Head of Early Years Practice (HoEYP) have developed a unique School and Beyond Programme (PFSP) to support children in their last year at nursery, helping them get ready for their next big adventure at big school!
Our programme is packed with exciting activities, including PE sessions, choose a challenge, our very own Reading & Writing Programme and Dragon Maths to name a few!
School Leavers EYFS Assessment
As a child nears the end of their nursery journey, their Key Person will summarise the child’s their achievements and learning in a final assessment. This assessment provides insight into how they prefer to learn, which gives the parent and child’s Reception teacher an understanding of the skills they have already become confident with. We provide this assessment as a transitional tool which we very much encourage parents to share with their child’s school when they go to visit, as it can provide vital valuable information for the school to begin preparing their child’s transition and their future learning journey ahead.